Michael Beale gives Sunderland supporters an explanation of the Rangers’ downfall and what to anticipate.

Michael Beale explains Rangers failure and tells Sunderland fans what to expect

Michael Beale was speaking after being announced as Sunderland’s new head coach.

Michael Beale, the head coach of Sunderland, has given Black Cats

supporters an explanation of his Rangers experience as well as an outlook on what to anticipate from him.


Beale has been unemployed since leaving Rangers in October of last year,

yet on Monday night, he was named as the unexpected front-runner to succeed Tony Mowbray.

After making an impression at QPR last

season, Beale declined a Wolves offer before

joining Rangers. He left following

a dismal start to the current campaign, although his track record of player

development and coaching skills are rumored to have impressed Sunderland.

Regarding his time in Scotland as manager of Rangers, Beale remarked, “I went into QPR as a head coach and

originally went into Rangers in the same

role.” “A lot of things changed, including

individuals moving away and my being drawn in new directions.



“The thing that I’m really comfortable with here is the alignment through the club – my role being in line with that as a

head coach and having an opinion and idea on other aspects of the club, but I

want to be the coach of the team, not the

manager of the whole football club.”


Beale went on to say, “I’m a hands-on coach, so I’m on the pitch every single

day,” about what Sunderland supporters

can anticipate from him. I have to go

drive that. My experience is in on-field coaching; that’s where I excel when

working with athletes on the field. In that regard, I’m resolved to take the lead.”

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