Mike Tomlin will not be traded by the Steelers in exchange for …..

Mike Tomlin will not be traded by the Steelers in exchange for …..

It is not a realistic expectation for another professional football franchise,

one composed of an armada of experts in business and football operations, to trade

prime draft capital for a head coach who has one year remaining on his contract. I think we can safely kill this narrative

and bury it deep. The Steelers are not going to trade Mike Tomlin for a first-round draft pick, largely because no

team is going to offer the Steelers a first-round draft pick in exchange for Mike Tomlin.

I believe we can safely put an end to this story and bury it deep. For the most part, because no team will give the Steelers a

first-round draft pick in exchange for Mike Tomlin, the team will not trade Tomlin for one.

Trades for head coaches are extremely rare (this page details about a half-dozen such trades over the last 25ish years),

and when they do occur, there’s usually some sort of special circumstance that

justifies such a big swing. I wrote about this in a bit more detail in the last Sound-Off column. T

The Broncos, to name the most recent example, went all in before the 2022 season by signing Nathaniel Hackett in an attempt to lure Aaron Rodgers, but when Plan failed, they eventually “settled” for Russell Wilson. The 2022 season was about as bad as it could have been: the Broncos finished the season with 5-12 record, Hackett was fired before the final regular season game, and Russell, who had just signed one of the biggest contracts ever, had the worst season of his career.

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