Just in:What’s prohibited touching? Why Taylor Decker’s penalty negated the Lions’ 2-point …..

What’s prohibited touching? Why Taylor Decker’s penalty negated the Lions’ 2-point  


Dan Campbell is one of the most aggressive football coaches .

aggressive 2-point decision on Saturday narrowly missed, though not without the assistance of a contentious penalty.

In a crucial game for playoff positioning, the Lions defeated the Cowboys with 23

seconds left on the clock by scoring a touchdown. Campbell needed to decide

whether to kick the game-winning field goal or go for two and win. Everyone anticipated his choice: take two.

The bold call seemed to have worked. Taylor Decker, an offensive lineman, was

hit by Jared Goff for the conversion. Decker did not report in as eligible, according to officials, so he was called for

illegal touching. Goff failed to complete his pass after two tries, and the Lions were defeated 20–19.

Following the game, Dan Campbell stated, “The explanation was 70 [offensive tackle Dan Skipper] reported.”

Two persons are unable to report. I have no desire to discuss it. I went over everything with a T. 70 reported before

the game. 68 didn’t. We tossed it to number 68. That served as the justification.

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