Unbelievable:This is what Sunderland player has said about the sexual accused case

Sunderland footballer Jack Diamond says he did not rape or sexually assault woman he met on Tinder

Jack Diamond, of Washington, said he did not and would not do anything against the woman’s consent

Football player Jack Diamond has denied any involvement in the rape or other sexual abuse of a woman he met through a dating app in court.


The woman is accused of being the victim of the offenses committed by the 23-year-old Sunderland winger, who invited her to his home in Washington. However, during his testimony to the Newcastle Crown Court jury, he refuted any actions taken against her will.


Growing up in Washington, Diamond signed his first professional football

contract at the age of sixteen with Sunderland. He also played on loan at

other teams, such as Lincoln City and Harrogate, according to testimony given

to the jury. He claimed he was not searching for a girlfriend or a committed

relationship when he met the complainant on the dating app Tinder,

but claimed she started “To do more relationship stuff” is what they desire.

He claimed the woman came to his house that particular night, and he hoped they may have sex. He reported that she arrived in pajamas, complained about the heat, and removed her panties. “There was some small talk and we started kissing, cuddling, and touching each other,” he testified before the court. As things heated up a little, she climbed me and lay on top of me.”


At some point, Diamond claimed, he stopped believing that having sex was a good idea. According to him, she appeared to be in a “strop” and turned her back on him.


He claimed that after he “initiated it again,” she rebuffed him by pushing his hand away. Diamond said He assumed that her pout was the reason she said no.

He said they then kissed and he got on top of her and she wrapped her legs around him. But he said she then said: “I think the moment has gone”. He said they were both then facing away from each other.

Diamond told the court he thinks he went to the toilet and shortly after that the complainant said ‘I think I’m going to leave’. He said she asked if he wanted her to lock the door and put the keys through the letterbox.


His barrister, Eleanor Laws KC, asked: “Did you do anything to the complainant without her consent?” He replied: “Absolutely not.” Miss Laws asked: “Would you do that?” He said: “No.”


Diamond said he is regretful about his “attitude and immaturity towards relationships and blindness to the way she actually felt”.


Miss Laws asked: “Did you rape her?” He replied: “Absolutely not.” Miss Laws asked: “Did you sexually assault her?” He replied: “No. Absolutely not.”

“Attitude and immaturity towards relationships and blindness to the way she actually felt” are regrets, according to Diamond.


“Did you rape her?” inquired Miss Laws. To which he answered, “Absolutely not.” “Did you sexually assault her?” inquired Miss Laws. In response, he said, “No. Definitely not.”


Four months after the allegation was made, Diamond claimed the complainant had “super liked” him on Tinder. He also refuted the claim that he had screenshotted an earlier “super like” to support his position.


The trial is still ongoing despite Diamond, of Washington, denying rape and penetration assault.


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