Breaking:Ronnie O’Sullivan finally to reduce his trophy cabinet and send one to …

Ronnie O’Sullivan finally to reduce his trophy cabinet and send one to 


After winning the competition for the eighth time this month, Ronnie O’Sullivan disclosed that he is considering giving his crystal Masters

trophy to a friend in China. Days before winning the World Grand Prix to clinch his third major title in 50 days, the

Rocket won his most recent Masters title with a 10-7 victory over Ali Carter in a heated match.

O’Sullivan’s glittering career has seen him win over 80 events, and he simply

does not have enough space at home to keep all of his trophies. He disclosed that he is considering sending his most recent

Masters award to a friend in China, having already sent at least one of them to that country.

“If I can keep that one, I’ll send it back to China to one of my mates and let him

keep it in his club,” O’Sullivan said. “That’s what I do with most of my trophies now.”

The Rocket frequently donates his trophies, and after winning the Shanghai Masters last year, he gave his

championship to a friend in China. At the time, he gave an explanation saying that he was “not really bothered” to hold onto

his trophies or any other snooker memorabilia, which he intended to discard before he reach old age

My friend who is starting a club here will get the trophy from me; it will remain in China,” he declared. “I always part with them. I gave one to a child in the crowd,

and my friend Paul got one. Trophies don’t really bother me. I’ve had a good number of them sold.

“When I’m 70 or 80 years old, I don’t want any memorabilia to be left. I am getting ready to die. That’s partly

because I don’t want any snooker stuff. Cues and waistcoats are both going out of style.”

O’Sullivan would complete the set with a second run at the World Snooker Championship title in May. O’Sullivan has won two of the three Triple Crown

events this season. A victory at the Crucible would also earn him a £1 million prize, but the 48-year-old has

stated that the prospect of such a large sum of money does not inspire him any more.

I’m not motivated by money,” he said. “I don’t compete in pool for cash. I like to

play well and I play for pride. That’s what matters most to me.”

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