Breaking news:A star player who is been a target has declared Auburn tigers his favorite club

4-star OL: Auburn ‘my favorite’

Tavaris Dice now has a school to defeat.


Hugh Freeze and the Auburn Tigers are involved.


Bringing his family along, the 6-foot-4 offensive lineman from Fairburn, Georgia, made an unofficial return visit

to Auburn’s campus on Saturday. Auburn stays on top of his recruitment after the visit.


“They’re my favorite considering it’s really all I’ve been going to,” said Dice. “I still need to go out there a little bit, but

Coaches Jake Thornton, Hugh Freeze, and Peyton Cox have been great to me

ever since I moved down here. It’s important to me that my family thinks

highly of them. I’m grateful for what they’ve been doing.”

Dice has visited school numerous times; the last occasion was in January. He had

the opportunity to thoroughly investigate the university this time.


“This was my first time really seeing the whole campus,” remarked Dice. “They

are quite beneficial. Today, I learned a lot about academics, which is really

important to me. It was beneficial to observe everything there as well as the

people on campus and their daily routines.”


His mother, grandmother, and aunt accompanied him on his journey. It

provided Dice with the chance to introduce his family to the school he consistently attends, since in the end,

family plays a crucial role in his decision-making.

“They’re gonna be a big part of my decision,” Dice stated. “It’s important to me that they came down here and

enjoyed it.I wanted them to see the way I’m treated here on a regular basis, the

culture, and the reason I keep returning. It was what actually caused them to

occur for them to be able to witness that. They can now understand why I

appreciate it so much, should I decide to visit.


While Dice is still working out the details of his decision-making process, he is

aware that it will probably come before his senior year.

One of Auburn’s best targets in the offensive line, Dice, has been the target of Thornton’s full-court press.


“Their message has been ‘You come here, you work hard, you’re gonna earn your spot,” Dice stated. “Their o-line room, it’s

not really official for the ‘25 class, so I can really come here, be the face of the

program, be a big change and get some guys with me.”

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