Breaking:Jackson Holliday reveals his on-Field ritual before his MLB Debut

During his debut, Jackson Holliday, a second-generation Major League Baseball player, shared insights into both his faith and a unique on-field tradition that fans observed. Holliday, whose. 



father is World Series champion Matt Holliday, retired just six years prior to his son’s debut with the Baltimore Orioles.

During the game, reporters noticed a peculiar ritual performed by the 20-year-old as he made what appeared to be markings behind second base, where he

was positioned. Holliday later clarified that this action was part of his customary routine, which serves as a display of his faith.

“After the game, a reporter inquired, ‘In the bottom of the first, right before the inning started, you went kind of behind

second base and touched the dirt. Did you draw something in the dirt, is that kind of a tradition for you?'”

Holliday responded, “Yes, it’s a routine for me to draw a cross. I truly believe I wouldn’t be here without Jesus. His love has blessed me with the ability to play baseball and to be present here today. I owe everything to Him.”

“It’s just a routine I follow before every inning or at the start of the game on defense, and before every at-bat. It’s my way of expressing gratitude to the Lord,” he further explained.

Jackson has consistently emphasized his faith throughout his journey to the MLB. In a 2022 interview with His Huddle, he

acknowledged his parents for introducing him to religion, which served as a cornerstone in shaping his character.

“Faith has always held great significance for me,” he expressed to the outlet ahead of the MLB draft. “I’m incredibly thankful to have been raised in a

Christian household and to have had such admirable role models around me, guiding me on the path of Christ.”

“Faith plays a pivotal role in both baseball and my personal life. I strive to honor the Lord in all aspects of my life,

including on the field, through my actions, and in my conduct on and off the diamond,” he elaborated.

Following his debut in the big leagues, Holliday was asked about the experience of being part of another generation of baseball players.

“What was it like for you to have your dad watching you play your first big

league game after watching him play for so many years in big league ballparks?” a journalist inquired.

“It was truly special to glance over and see him, along with my brother and

grandfather, seated down the line. It was an incredible experience to have them there,” he remarked.

Holliday is currently under an entry-level contract with the Baltimore Orioles

valued at $740,000. As per Spotrac, he received a signing bonus of $8,190,000 from the organization in 2020.



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