Sad News:My life is in danger,Seattle kraken Forward Yanni Gourde have terminated his contract due to….

Seattle Kraken forward Yanni Gourde has made the difficult decision to terminate his contract with the team following a distressing series of events. Gourde, a key player for the Kraken, cited safety concerns as the primary reason for his departure after experiencing a frightening incident at his home and receiving threatening text messages.




The situation unfolded recently when Gourde was subjected to a disturbing attack at his residence, followed by a

barrage of threatening texts, posing serious risks to his safety and well-being. Faced with such alarming circumstances,

Gourde opted to prioritize his personal security and terminate his contract with the Kraken.


The news of Gourde’s departure comes as a shock to fans and teammates alike,

as the talented forward had been a valuable asset to the team both on and off the ice. His decision underscores the

harsh reality of the security challenges faced by professional athletes, highlighting the need for proactive measures to ensure their safety.


In a statement addressing his departure, Gourde expressed his gratitude to the Seattle Kraken organization for the opportunities provided to him and conveyed his regret at having to leave under such circumstances. He emphasized the importance of prioritizing his safety and that of his loved ones, recognizing that no sporting endeavor is worth jeopardizing one’s life.


The Seattle Kraken organization has voiced its support for Gourde’s decision, acknowledging the gravity of the

situation and reaffirming its commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its players. Steps will be

taken to address the security concerns raised by Gourde’s departure and to prevent similar incidents in the future.


As Gourde navigates this challenging chapter in his life, he will undoubtedly

be supported by his teammates, fans, and the broader hockey community. The incident serves as a sobering reminder of

the importance of athlete safety and the need for vigilance in safeguarding their well-being, both on and off the ice.


Moving forward, the Seattle Kraken will continue to prioritize the security and welfare of its players, implementing measures to mitigate risks and create a

safe environment for all members of the organization. While Gourde’s departure leaves a void in the team lineup, his

decision to prioritize his safety serves as a courageous example for athletes facing similar challenges in professional sports.





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