SAD NEWS: It’s over, I can’t continue “Brayden MAYNARD” declared angrily as he left………

“It’s over, I can’t continue,” Brayden Maynard Declared Angrily as He Leaves for Another Club

In a shocking turn of events, Brayden Maynard, one of the most stalwart players of the Collingwood Football Club, has announced his decision to leave the club. The announcement came abruptly and with a palpable sense of frustration, as Maynard declared, “It’s over, I can’t continue,” before storming out of the club premises. The news has sent ripples through the AFL community, leaving fans and fellow players alike in disbelief.


The Unexpected Departure

Brayden Maynard, known for his tenacity and unwavering commitment on the field, has been a cornerstone of Collingwood’s defense since his debut in 2015. His departure marks the end of an era for the club, as he has been an integral part of their lineup for nearly a decade. His decision to leave was not preceded by any public indications of dissatisfaction, making the announcement all the more surprising.


The Reasons Behind the Exit

While the exact reasons for Maynard’s departure remain unclear, sources close to the player suggest a growing sense of discontent over the past season. Rumors of internal conflicts, dissatisfaction with the club’s direction, and unresolved contractual issues have been circulating for weeks. However, neither Maynard nor Collingwood’s management has provided specific details, leaving much to speculation.


The Reaction from Collingwood

Collingwood Football Club released a brief statement acknowledging Maynard’s departure and expressing gratitude for his contributions over the years. “Brayden Maynard has been a valued member of our team, and we are saddened by his decision to leave. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors,” the statement read. The club has refrained from commenting further, opting to respect Maynard’s privacy during this tumultuous time.


The Fans’ Response

Fans of Collingwood have taken to social media to express their shock and disappointment. Maynard, a fan favorite for his fierce playing style and passionate displays on the field, has received an outpouring of support and well-wishes. Many fans are hopeful that more information will come to light, providing clarity on the reasons behind his sudden departure.


Maynard’s Future

As Maynard steps away from Collingwood, the question of his next destination looms large. Speculation is rife about which club he will join next, with several clubs reportedly showing interest in acquiring his services. Given his track record and experience, Maynard is expected to be a highly sought-after player in the upcoming transfer season.


Impact on Collingwood

Maynard’s exit leaves a significant void in Collingwood’s defensive lineup. Known for his versatility, strength, and

leadership on the field, replacing him will be a formidable challenge for the

club. Collingwood’s management will need to strategize carefully to find a

suitable replacement and maintain their competitive edge in the league.



Brayden Maynard’s sudden departure from Collingwood marks a significant moment in the club’s history. As fans and

the AFL community come to terms with this unexpected news, the focus now

shifts to what lies ahead for both Maynard and Collingwood. While the

reasons behind his decision remain a mystery, one thing is certain: Brayden

Maynard’s legacy at Collingwood will not be forgotten, and his next move will be closely watched by all.


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